Bihać adopts the initiative to eliminate “a few paper documents” with the support of IDDEEA BiH

The Mayor of Bihać, Elvedin Sedić, together with Almir Badnjević, Director of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA), held a meeting aiming to improve administrative processes and facilitating procedures for the citizens.

In light of the various public calls that Tuzla has implemented, requiring a Certificate of Permanent Residence as a prerequisite for submitting an application, the city of Bihać is committed to taking the same route to streamline administrative processes for its residents. This initiative aims to eliminate the need for “a few paper documents” for Bihać citizens when applying for various public calls.

During the meeting, the mayor emphasized his commitment to making procedures as simple as possible for all citizens, while IDDEEA BiH promised full support through electronic data exchange. This strategy will boost the city administration’s work by allowing for more efficiency in the implementation of public calls and providing support to citizens.

Earlier this year, Edin Forto, Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina announced that his ministry had begun work on digitizing  Certificates of permanent residence, and that relief in this regard should be felt by citizens of FBiH who use bank services by the middle of next year. Following Tuzla’s successful example, Bihać is now joining this initiative, which will result in major improvements in administrative services for citizens.

The City of Bihać demonstrates its willingness to innovate and modernize administrative systems by establishing electronic data exchange to provide more efficient service to citizens.​