Digital representation

As of June 1, 2024, the Agency will enter a certificate for digital representation during the personalization process for all applicants for identity cards. This is to ensure secure and reliable digital representation of the identity card holder when using various electronic services. The activation of the identity card for digital representation purposes is done using the identification number obtained on form LK-OI-2-A. Activation enables the secure use of e-service by digitally representing the service user to the system using the digital representation certificate. Digital representation enables confirmation of the digital identity of the identity card holder based on the certificates entered into the memory element of the identity card during the document personalization process.

Digital representation

Agencija od 1. juna 2024. godine svim podnosiocima zahtjeva za ličnu kartu upisuje u toku procesa personalizacije dokumenta certifikat za digitalno predstavljanje, a u cilju sigurnog i pouzdanog digitalnog predstavljanja nosioca lične karte prilikom korištenja različitih elektronskih usluga. Digitalno predstavljanje omogućava potvrdu digitalnog identiteta korisnika lične karte na osnovu certifikata upisanih u memorijski element lične karte tokom procesa personalizacije dokumenta.

Pristup uslugama digitalnog predstavljanja koje Agencija nudi, omogućen je kroz aplikaciju za kvalifikovani elektronski potpis, čime je osigurana dodatna sigurnost i zaštita ličnih podataka.

Zahtjev za kvalifikovani elektronski potpis se podnosi u jednom od registracionih tijela ovjerioca IDDEEA u Banjaluci, Sarajevu, Bihaću, Bijeljini i Mostaru.

Ovjerilac IDDEEA vrši izdavanje kvalifikovanih elektronskih potvrda u skladu sa zakonskim propisima, općim aktima i uputstvima Ovjerioca IDDEEA koji reguliraju ovu oblast.

Svaki korisnik prilikom fizičke registracije i podnošenja zahtjeva za izdavanje kvalifikovane potvrde u ovlaštenom IDDEEA registracionom tijelu, uz obrazac zahtjeva za izdavanje kvalifikovane potvrde i ugovora o pružanju usluga certifikacije, dobija od strane ovlaštenog službenika odštampan obrazac sa pristupnim parametrima koje unosi u određene kolone na aplikaciji za udaljeno elektronsko potpisivanje.

Ursula von der Leyen,

President of the European Commission, 2020

"Every time an App or website asks us to create a new digital identity or to easily log on via a big platform, we have no idea what happens to our data in reality. "

Three and a half years later, the European Parliament adopted a new Framework for European Digital Identity (eID). Mutual cross-border recognition of national electronic identification systems will enable citizens to identify themselves online and access services from other EU member states with a national e-ID card.

Following the example of other European countries, 18 years after the Electronic Signature Law was published, and 12 years after the legal grounds were established for the use of documents/identity cards with electronic memory elements into which certificates for digital representation and digital signatures can be entered, IDDEEA BiH has implemented digital representation capabilities and made them available to the citizens of BiH for use in e-services. This fulfills the basic functionalities of using the identity card of BiH citizens, which by law can be used for performing electronic services. By implementing these digital solutions, IDDEEA realizes key goals of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequality), SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), in this way, the provision of digital identity services represents innovative approaches that support the development of infrastructure and technology. Additionally, digital representation contributes to strengthening institutions, increasing reliability and security in digital services, which can encourage partnerships between authorities, the private sector, and civil society in achieving sustainable development goals.


Po uzoru na druge europske zemlje, 18 godina nakon što je objavljen Zakon o elektronskom potpisu, a 12 godina nakon što su stvoreni zakonski osnovi za korištenje dokumenata/lične karte sa elektronskim memorijskim elementom u koje se mogu upisati certifikati za digitalno predstavljanje i digitalni potpis, IDDEEA BiH je implementirala mogućnosti digitalnog predstavljanja i ustupila ga građanima BiH prilikom korištenja e-servisa. Ovime su ispunjene osnovne funkcionalnosti upotrebe lične karte državljana BiH za koju je zakonom propisano da se može koristiti za obavljanje elektronskih usluga. Implementacijom navedenih digitalnih rješenja, IDDEEA realizuje ključne  UN-ove Ciljeve održivog razvoja (SDG) kao što su SDG 9 (Industrija, inovacije i infrastruktura), SDG 10 (Smanjenje nejednakosti), SDG 16 (Mir, pravda i snažne institucije), tako što pružanjem usluge digitalnog predstavljanja predstavlja inovativne pristupe koji podržavaju razvoj infrastrukture i tehnologije. Također, digitalno predstavljanje doprinosi jačanju institucija, povećavajući pouzdanost i sigurnost digitalnih usluga i servisa, što može potaknuti partnerstva između vlasti, privatnog sektora i civilnog društva u ostvarivanju ciljeva održivog razvoja.

Digital representation is the technical implementation of a simple and secure way for a citizen to identify themselves with their electronic identity card, thereby accessing various e-services provided by IDDEEA exclusively to physical entities.

This system is practical and efficient, saves time and resources, guarantees security and protection of personal data, and eliminates the need for the user’s physical presence when using electronic services.

By using the strongest two-factor authentication—possessing an identity card and entering a personal PIN code set during the identity card activation process—a large number of services can be performed electronically.

Advantages of Digital representation


Citizens no longer have to waste time waiting in line or submitting paper forms. Digital representation allows users to access a variety of e-services with a few clicks, saving them valuable time.

Security and Protection

This system is more resistant to misuse due to digital encryption and modern technologies, lowering the risk of identity theft and other security issues. Citizens may be confident that their data is secure.


The digital representation portal is optimised for all digital devices, making it easily accessible to all citizens, and it is absolutely free.