Director of IDDEEA Almir Badnjević attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington

Director of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina Almir Badnjević, at the invitation of members of the US Senate, attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, which was held on February 1, during which the US President, Joe Biden, addressed the participants, among other things.
The event in Washington gathered more than 3,000 dignitaries, including members of the US Congress, politicians, businessmen, religious leaders and other renowned guests from the social and economic life of the USA and 127 countries from around the world.
And this time, the participants of the National Prayer Breakfast traditionally sent messages of peace and solidarity with a special focus on Ukraine and Gaza, as in all previous years, starting from 1953, when this kind of event was organized for the first time by the then president of the USA.
The mentioned event is a great opportunity to meet some of the most influential people in the world, achieve cooperation between countries, and strengthen relations between countries. In addition, the BiH delegation had the opportunity to meet 4 American congressmen, with whom they discussed stronger US support for Bosnia and Herzegovina.