Director of IDDEEA BiH at the Woman.Comm Conference

Director of IDDEEA BiH and prominent expert in medical devices and artificial intelligence, Almir Badnjević, spoke at the Woman.Comm Conference, held on October 24 and 25 at the Hills Hotel in Sarajevo. In his motivational lecture, “Challenges of the Modern Age: Facing Our Own AI Reality,” he examined how society has been affected by rapid growth of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming an indispensable part of everyday life, changing the way we perform tasks, make decisions and interact with technology. During his address, Mr. Badnjević underlined the main issues raised by the swift advancement of AI technology and examined the ways in which society is coping with them. Director Badnjević contributed to the discussion of this important topic through his extensive expertise and experience. He has spent more than 20 years researching medical devices and using artificial intelligence in medicine. In his speech at the Woman.Comm Conference, he underlined how crucial it is to comprehend, embrace, and manage AI technology in order to maximise its potential and benefit society.

Furthermore, Mr. Badnjević pointed out that the development of AI brings both ethical and legal challenges and urged further contemplation on how to strike a balance between the protection of privacy and human rights and technical advancement.

At the Woman.Comm Conference, professionals and female leaders from diverse areas gathered to discuss on matters of utmost significance to women’s communities and society at large. Mr. Badnjević’s presence and inspiring speech further enriched this significant Conference.