The Prosecutor’s Office of the Central Bosnia Canton (SBK) and the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA BiH) announce that they have achieved a significant step forward in the process of digital transformation of the judicial system.
On August 23, 2023 year, the prosecutor Mr. Šemsudin Fuško and the director of IDDEEA BiH, Mr. Almir Badnjević met at the premises of IDDEEA BiH and discussed the possibilities of cooperation and implementation of e-services provided by IDDEEA BiH.
The discussion mostly covered digital transformation and electronic data exchange. It was decided that the Agency’s e-services would be available to the SBK Prosecutor’s Office, greatly expediting and facilitating the operation of the SBK legal system. The modernization of the judicial sector and the increase in the effectiveness of judicial authority are both made possible by this cooperation.
Following the previously mentioned meeting, IDDEEA BiH reviewed the potential applications and granted permanent access to the contents of the databases. The possibility to use permanent access also carries the responsibility for protecting privacy and security of data. To avoid misuse or disclosure of private information, the prosecution must handle this material with extreme caution. In addition, the laws and regulations governing data access and usage must be followed.
Permanent access to data from the database maintained by IDDEEA BiH allows for faster and more effective processing of legal proceedings by providing prosecutors with immediate access to pertinent data and evidence. As a result, cases can be evaluated and processed faster. It also enables prosecutors to easily explore and analyse vast amounts of data in order to detect patterns and trends. This can be advantageous for better understanding and investigating criminal actions. Access to up-to-date information from the database decreases the chance of procedure errors and omissions. This is especially crucial in conducting judicial proceedings, where errors can have serious consequences for justice.
This collaboration is an important milestone towards modernising the judicial system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as increasing trust in justice and transparency in the SBK Prosecutor’s Office’s processes.