IDDEEA welcomes the decision of the Council of Ministers on the Digital Europe program: “An important step for the digital transformation of BiH”!

The Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA) welcomes yesterday’s decision of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on establishing the Proposal to conclude an agreement between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina, regarding participation in the Digital Europe Programme (2021 – 2027).

This decision represents an extremely important step in the digital transformation of society and the economic recovery of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For IDDEEA, this is one of the most significant decisions given our role in ensuring the integrity and security of digital identities and data.

Bosnia and Herzegovina will have access to important assets through participation in the Digital Europe Programme, which is crucial for addressing global digital issues. With a focus on artificial intelligence, supercomputing, advanced digital skills, and wider use of digital technology, this programme will accelerate the recovery of the economy and influence the digital transformation of our society and economy.
The European Union budget has allocated 7.5 billion euros in total for this programme. Businesses and organisations from member states, as well as those from other countries that may become associate members, are eligible to apply.

The Horizon Europe Programme for Research and Innovation, the Connecting Europe Facility for Digital Infrastructure, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, and structural grants are just a few of the EU programmes that will provide financial support to this one.
IDDEEA BiH believes that Bosnia and Herzegovina will benefit from this project, which will increase its competitiveness in the global market and promote its digital transformation. Our belief in accomplishing shared objectives in digital development is reflected in our commitment to collaborate with the EU on this significant accomplishment.