Isak and Badnjević: Joint work to implement e-Registration project

Federal minister of interior, Mr Ramo Isak met with Mr. Almir Badnjević, director of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of BiH (IDDEEA). Mr. Badnjević pointed out that he observed the activities of the interior ministry of Federation of BiH and noticed high level of commitment of minister Isak on fixing the current situation in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovinia, and that led to this meeting. Mr. Badnjević expressed gratitude for the so far cooperation and support to IDDEEA, that has an essential part in providing thorough and reliable services for any competent authority, so as a significant part in preserving the safety and integrity of our social structure.

Ministar Isak pointed out that he is aware of the importance of IDDEEA as a reliable service provider in every day work of the Federal MoI and Federal Police Administration, and that IDDEEA data bases provide crucial information and identification documents that are essential for proper decision making and maintaining of order and safety in society. One of the topics they discussed in particular was the introduction of e-Registration of permanent residence and personal identification numbers in FBiH, thus facilitating the process of filing requests for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina which is a key priority of FMoI and IDDEEA.

Federal minister, Mr.Isak, accepted a suggestion for the Federal MoI to be a holder, i.e. coordinator of all activities related to e-Registration. In this regard, it is agreed that in the next weeks the procedures for the presentation of the complete project and access applications to the cantons and municipalities in FBiH are to be launched. Minister Isak and director Badnjević concluded that FMoI and IDDEEA will continue improvement of cooperation and mutual relations.