Director of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange (IDDEEA BiH), Almir Badnjević met in Ljubljana with the ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia, Dario Novalić. The meeting was also attended by the deputy director of IDDEEA BiH, Petar Bilčar. The discussion focused on the evaluation of the electronic services provided by IDDEEA BiH to the diplomatic and consular representation in Slovenia, with the goal of improving services for BiH citizens living abroad.

During the meeting, the possibilities for improving electronic services were discussed in order to make IDDEEA BiH services easier and more efficient to use regardless of the user’s geographic location. The importance of constant communication between the Agency and diplomatic missions in providing optimal services to BiH citizens abroad was emphasised.

IDDEEA BiH continues to work diligently to improve electronic services in order to provide the best possible support and facilitate access to its services for all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina abroad.