Permanent access to data through the IDDEEA BiH web service was granted to the city of Lukavac

The City of Lukavac and the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers, and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the Decision on permanent access to data via the web service of the Agency for Documents, Registers, and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

With this decision, the IDDEEA BiH, in compliance with the applicable regulations and within its responsibilities, grants the city of Lukavac permanent access to the data from the Register of Permanent and Temporary Residence, preserved and technically maintained by the IDDEEA BiH. The city will no longer need to request so-called “CIPS certificates” from their citizens or certificates of residence and other such documents, as it will now have direct access to this register. This will eliminate the needless delay in administrative processes.

This initiative demonstrates the readiness of the City of Lukavac to provide support to the economy and citizens and foster a favourable environment for business. By supporting the safe exchange of information between various governmental levels, the Agency helps Bosnia and Herzegovina fulfil one of the 14 EU priorities that are focused on improving the institutional framework and achieving objective 1 of the EU Digital Strategy, which is to improve digital infrastructure.

Furthermore, these activities also help to achieve many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 8 (improving the business environment through more effective administrative procedures) and SDG 16 (advancing access to public services and strengthening institutions).