The City of Tuzla and IDDEEA BiH signed an Agreement: IDDEEA BiH continues to facilitate administrative procedures for cities and municipalities

The City of Tuzla and the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers, and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA) have signed an important Agreement for providing permanent access to the receiving authority via a web service, opening the door to new possibilities for more efficient legal procedure performance.

Signing this agreement provides permanent access to the receiving authority through a web service that connects the city to the IDDEEA’s central registers. This means that the city will immediately access the registers maintained by IDDEEA, following all legal restrictions and aiming to expedite the implementation of various administrative procedures for all citizens of this city.

This partnership enables better data exchange and simplification of administrative procedures, thus increasing the availability and transparency of public services for citizens, which has a clear connection with the EU Digital Strategy in terms of objective 6, which refers to data exchange and interoperability, as well as the accomplishment of some of the UN SDG goals, specifically SDG 16 (Peace, justice, and strong institutions) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals).

This initiative demonstrates how digitalization may enhance public services while also promoting sustainable development. With access to IDDEEA’s central registers, the City of Tuzla can respond more efficiently to its residents’ needs, reducing administrative barriers and enhancing access to information. This leads to better efficiency and transparency, which is consistent with the principles and ideals of good governance and sustainable development promoted by the EU and the UN.

IDDEEA continues its support for cities and municipalities for more efficient work, thus contributing to strengthening local administrations and improving the quality of services they provide to citizens.