The conference “AI – Should we be afraid?” was organised today by the Faculty of Pharmacy (UNSA-FFSA) in collaboration with the Society for Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina (DMBIUBIH) and brought together renowned experts, students, and health workers to discuss the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in improving healthcare.
Mr. Almir Badnjević, director of IDDEEA BiH and an authority in the field of medical devices and artificial intelligence applications, came as a speaker. He emphasised the fundamental challenges arising from the rapid development of AI technology in his speech, exploring the implications it brings to society.
Mr. Badnjević also noted that the advancement of AI presents both ethical and legal issues, and he asked for a more in-depth discussion of how to balance technical progress with the protection of human rights and privacy.
The Conference provided a platform for an intensive exchange of ideas and experiences while contributing to the development of expertise and a deeper understanding of the application of AI in medical and pharmaceutical disciplines in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.