The successful cooperation between the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina continues with a meeting of the secretary-general of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Robert Vidović and the director of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Almir Badnjević, with their associates.
In order to further create and refine the shared vision for the growth of the digital society and the development of digital infrastructures inside Bosnia and Herzegovina’s institutions, a work and consultative meeting was conducted in Sarajevo.
The subject of the meeting included the potential for ongoing collaboration in the sectors of computerization and digitization in order to create new prospects for improving the efficiency and quality of public administration services.
Special focus is placed on effective communication and collaboration within public administration, which includes access to knowledge and new ideas, the development of creative solutions, greater public administration efficiency, and the enhancement of the quality of services offered to residents.
The participants agree that the failure to adopt the Strategy for the Development of e-Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s institutions is a huge shortcoming that results in missed opportunities to improve working processes within the institutions on a daily basis, which directly affects the efficiency, economy, potential cost savings, and speed of providing better services to citizens through digital channels. Furthermore, this causes Bosnia and Herzegovina’s institutions to lag behind other countries throughout the region that have already acknowledged the significance of the digital transformation of public administration.
The participants expressed mutual desire and commitment to intensify efforts to adopt this important document.
The secretary-general and the director of IDDEEA developed frameworks for advancing collaboration through the Service for Maintenance and Development of Electronic Business, e-Government, and the expert services of IDDEEA, and they came to the conclusion that this kind of cooperation should be increased with other institutions as well because the digitization process, reform of public administration in the information technology field, and the introduction of new electronic services will undoubtedly demonstrate expertise, mutual support, and cooperation.