An important meeting with OSCE representatives was held on the premises of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers, and Data Exchange (IDDEEA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The meeting was attended by the Agency’s director, Mr. Almir Badnjević, deputy head of the OSCE Mission in BiH, Thomas Busch, head of the field office in Banja Luka, Sabrina Schirmer, and Mrs. Biljana Guzijan. The central topic of the meeting was the role of the Agency in monitoring the election process, with special reference to the possibility of applying biometric identification in elections.
Director Badnjević stressed the significance of document and record protection during the election process while explaining the competencies of the Agency. In particular, the OSCE expressed interest in and support for the proposal of the Agency to introduce biometric identification.
Mr. Busch underlined how important the Agency is to maintaining the integrity of elections and stated that the OSCE is prepared to continue cooperating with and supporting the Agency. He also expressed interest in the assistance that the Agency receives from the European Union, to which Director Badnjević responded by highlighting the important support and expressing gratitude to the EU Delegation for its efforts to reinforce the operations of the Agency.