Welcome to the website of the EU Twinning project on
“Improving Service Delivery for Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina Through Strengthening the Capacity of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA)"
Twinning projects in general
Twinning projects are European Union initiatives to help acceding, candidate or neighbouring countries to acquire the necessary skills and experience to adopt, implement and enforce EU legislation and international standards.
On demand driven basis, the projects bring together public sector expertise from EU Member States and partner countries, with the aim of enhancing co-operation activities. Twinning projects are joint contracts awarded, following a call for proposals and shared by the two partner administrations.
“Improving Service Delivery for Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina Through Strengthening the Capacity of the Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA)” is a Twinning Project between Italy, Finland and Bosnia and Herzegovina funded by the European Union in the frame of the EU Pre-Accession Assistance Programme.
In this Twinning Project the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA) works with the Consortium for Information System (CSI Piemonte, Italy), as Lead Member State body responsible for the implementation, together with HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd, as Junior Member State, the Italian Data Protection Authority (GPDP) and Eutalia (technical secretary, Italy) as technical partners.
The overarching goal of the Twinning Project is to advance the ongoing public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina by fostering the development of a more effective, accountable, and professional public administration. This aligns with European Union and international standards, aiming to enhance the overall governance structure and service delivery to the citizens.
The specific focus is on the technical enhancement of the Identification Documents, Registers, and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA). By modernising and strengthening the technical capabilities of IDDEEA, the project seeks to achieve the following results:
- Enhanced Utilisation of eServices: The project aims to promote the use of measures that improve the availability, functionality, and usage of IDDEEA’s electronic services. This includes the development and implementation of eServices, supported by activities such as study visit and internships to facilitate knowledge exchange and best practices.
- Improved Security and Quality of Information Systems: The project endeavours to draft amended and new instructions for the IDDEEA information system. These instructions are designed to enhance security, quality, and availability of eServices. Training sessions and a study visit are incorporated to ensure effective implementation.
- Development of Open Data Concept: The project focuses on developing and refining processes and procedures related to the open data concept. This includes activities aimed at increasing eParticipation of citizens and the business sector. Training and study visit are integral components of this initiative.
- Alignment with EU Acquis: Recommendations will be drafted to align IDDEEA internal acts in key areas such as eParticipation, eServices, data protection, internal audit, and digital signature with the European Union Acquis. Workshops are planned to facilitate discussions and knowledge-sharing in this regard.
- Capacity Building for Human Resources: IDDEEA Human Resources Department will benefit of a capacity building to implement new techniques that support the professional development of all its staff. This involves various sub-activities, including a study visit, to provide to the department with the necessary skills and knowledge for effective staff development.
By achieving these general objectives, the Twinning Project aims to contribute significantly to the overarching goal of advancing public administration reform and improving service delivery for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Twinning Project will be implemented through 5 Results:
RESULT 1: Usage of measures promoting availability, functionality and usage of the IDDEEA’s eServices developed and implemented
Activity 1.1. Draft Risk analysis for current development of eServices in IDDEEA. Propose new criteria to be implemented in risk analysis system.
Activity 1.2. Prepare Awareness raising campaign strategy for promoting availability of eServices.
Activity 1.3. Draft necessary legislation for functionality of providing eServices.
Activity 1.4. Foresee and organise study visit 8 IDDEEA staff for 5 working days to a MS to experience practical use of eServices.
Activity 1.5. Perform training need assessment and prepare training programme based on a Training of Trainers methodology. Deliver training sessions for 15 participants.
Activity 1.6. Accomplish internship in MS for 4 eServices trainees to work alongside with experts in other EU country for 10 w/d.
Activity 1.7. Produce guidelines for delivery of eServices (based on the experiences during the conducted trainings).
RESULT 2: Amended and new instructions of IDDEEA information system for improvement of security, quality and availability of eServices are drafted
Activity 2.1. Establish assessment to review current situation for improvement of security, quality and availability of eServices and identify new and/or amended measures to be implemented.
Activity 2.2. Establish evaluation methods for measuring effectiveness of enforcement procedures.
Activity 2.3. Draft required internal IDDEEA legislation for improvement of security, quality and availability of eServices.
Activity 2.4. Foresee and organise study visit 10 IDDEEA staff for 5 working days to a MS partner of the Twinning where the improvement of security, quality and availability of eServices that are currently in use by IDDEEA (to be) implemented.
Activity 2.5. Training materials developed and twenty (20) IDDEEA staff trained based on a ToT approach.
Activity 2.6. Prepare guidelines (practical use of) for improvement of security, quality and availability of eServices.
RESULT 3: Open data concept has developed and improved processes and procedures in their pursuit of activities that increase eParticipation of citizens and business sector have developed
Activity 3.1. Draft gap and needs analysis of the current status of records for which IDDEEA is responsible in order to publish the Open data.
Activity 3.2. Prepare recommendations regarding the transparency and democratic control.
Activity 3.3. Prepare recommendations for work procedures regarding Data Ethics Usage of personal data.
Activity 3.4. Draft of guidelines for Data Ethics Usage of personal data.
Activity 3.5. Prepare recommendations for Users understanding and acceptance of usage of Open data in synergy with eServices.
Activity 3.6. Carry out training for 8 IDDEEA staff in work procedures for Data Ethics Usage of personal data. Prepare training need assessment and training programme based on ToT methodology.
Activity 3.7. Foresee and organise study visit to a MS for 8 IDDEEA staff for 4 working days to gain experience in operation of call centres, service centres and data centres.
RESULT 4: Recommendations for alignment of IDDEEA internal acts in the fields of eParticipation, eServices, data protection, internal audit and digital signature with EU Acquis are drafted
Activity 4.1. Perform Gap and Needs Analysis (GNA) of current IDDEEA legislation in BiH to establish divergences between IDDEEA legislation (eParticipation, eServices, data protection, internal audit and digital signature) and Directives and Regulations to be harmonized, subject to the Association Agreement.
Activity 4.2. Draft action plan/roadmap for legislative and procedural changes to be implemented in line with GNA.
Activity 4.3. Foresee and organize a number of workshops with maximum 30 IDDEEA specialists in established areas in line with GNA.
RESULT 5: Capacity building of the Human Resources Department has implemented new techniques to assist the provision of professional development to all IDDEEA staff has increased.
Activity 5.1. Recommendations for professional development of staff in the IDDEEA drafted.
Activity 5.2. Assessment of techniques and skills in Training Needs Analysis of the IDDEEA HR Department carried out.
Activity 5.3. Workshops for six to eight (6-8) HR IDDEEA staff on techniques and skills in Training Needs Analysis with the IDDEEA HR Department foreseen and organized.
Activity 5.4. Guidelines on Training Needs Analysis prepared and drafted.
Activity 5.5. Assessment of techniques and skills in Job Task Analysis of IDDEEA HR Department carried out.
Activity 5.6. Study visit to a MS for IDDEEA (eight (8) IDDEEA staff for five (5) working days) on HR techniques and skills in Job Task Analysis foreseen and organized.
Activity 5.7. Guidelines for Job Task Analysis prepared.
Activity 5.8. Report on findings prepared with recommendations for how to make e-Learning concept more utilized and functional within IDDEEA.
Activity 5.9. Report on Development of performance evaluation methods and performance indicators within IDDEEA drafted.
IDDEEA – Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA) was established by the Law on Agency in June 2008 (“Official Gazette of BiH”, No.56/08). IDDEEA is responsible for setting standards in the field of identification documents, administration and maintenance of servers which contain data from central registers, applications hosting through which competent authorities conduct administrative procedures related to the issuance of identity documents, maintaining data transmission network between institutions at all levels of government and personalization (printing) of personal documents.
CSI-Piemonte (CSI), Italy
Consortium for Information Systems CSI-Piemonte is an Italian e-governance Agency, specialized in projects for the public sector, with more than 40 years of experience, about 1000 employees and 130 stakeholders among Italian public authorities including the Municipality of Milan and the Municipal City of Rome.
CSI implements innovative services for the administrations, thereby helping them to be more efficient, modern and to reduce public spending costs.
CSI operates in almost all the fields covered by public administration activity, managing the whole ICT value chain.
CSI-Piemonte has a long-standing experience at international level in implementing WB, UNDP, EU R&D, Capacity building and Technical assistance (including more than 20 Twinning projects), mainly in the Western Balkans.
HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd, Finland
The company is part of the Ministry of Finance’s administration which also holds the responsibility for the company’s corporate governance. Their duties involve providing training and development services and overseeing business matters pertaining to these areas. They offer extensive support to the central government in enhancing development, training, and leadership. Their clientele comprises central government personnel, agencies, and offices, along with state enterprises. The National Parliament and its affiliated units are also among their esteemed customers. Furthermore, their scope of work extends to catering to the administration of the European Union and Member States, particularly in projects concerning intergovernmental development cooperation. They also collaborate with various intergovernmental organizations in which Finland holds a membership.
Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (GPDP), Italy
The Italian Data Protection Authority is an independent administrative that was set up to protect fundamental rights and freedoms in connection with the processing of personal data, and to ensure respect for individuals’ dignity in Italy.
The GPDP is actively involved in European projects aimed at raising awareness on personal data protection and compliance to General Data Protection Regulation.
Eutalia, Italy
Eutalia, a company of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, carries out assistance and support activities in the analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation of public policies for development, as in-house of the Central State Administrations.
The Company also supports central administrations and national public agencies in the implementation of pilot capacity building projects for territorial development, also in the context of interregional and transnational cooperation programmes.
Twinning Project Office
Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA) – Regional Center Sarajevo
Trg BiH 1, 71000, Sarajevo
Resident Twinning Advisor Mr Nicola IANUTOLO
Phone: +355 67 689 8279
Email: nicola.ianutolo@csi.it
Resident Twinning Advisor Counterpart Mr Nermin BEĆIRBAŠIĆ
Head of the Department for Management of Human Resources and Legal Affairs
Phone: +387 51 340 172
Email: nermin.becirbasic@iddeea.gov.ba
Resident Twinning Advisor Assistant Ms Lejla DŽANKOVIĆ
Email: dzankovic.lejla1@gmail.com
Italian Consortium for Information System (CSI Piemonte)
MS Project leader Mr Vittorio VALLERO, Research and Development manager
E-mail: vittorio.vallero@csi.it
Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA)
BC Project leader Mr Peđa KATALINA, Head of the Department for Administration of Communications
E-mail: pedja.katalina@iddeea.gov.ba
Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ms Dženita POLIĆ, Programme Manager
E-mail: dzenita.polic@eeas.europa.eu